Barnabas Task


Group Photo
(Bottom Row, Left to Right) Sarah Dale, Mariah Post, Peter Reilly (Top Row, Left to Right) Jackson O’Brien, Amanda Hashimoto, Jordyn Hoepner

Butler University’s Computer Science Department has been tasked with developing an electronic medical record application for Barnabas Task and the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (COPHS). This application will be utilized by student volunteers, pharmacists, and physicians in their efforts to deliver medical care in the Dominican Republic. Specifically, this application will allow for the storage of patient medical histories and pharmaceutical information. As the application is being developed for the iPad, our team will use the Xcode IDE and the Swift programming language. In addition, information will initially be stored on the mobile backend server, Parse.


About Our Clients

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Barnabas Task

Barnabas Task is a non-profit organization whose message is the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ and whose mission is to transform communities by equipping, empowering, and encouraging. Though Barnabas Task hosts free clinics around the world, their main focus is providing physical and mental health training, medical and dental care, and spiritual support to the Dominican Republic. In addition, their leadership training program is designed to equip individuals with the skills necessary to make positive contributions to their community. Basic medical training also allows community members to participate in the establishment of their own medical team and pharmacy, as well as to engage in the on-going campaign for clean water.



Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (COPHS)

Students and faculty of the Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences believe in the importance of serving society as dedicated, competent health professionals and community leaders. In combination with the efforts of Barnabas Task, these individuals are able to lend their expertise to those in need of medical care in the Dominican Republic.