About WFYI:

“WFYI Public Media empowers, educates, entertains and connects our community through impactful journalism, inspiring stories and lifelong learning.” – WFYI Website

About Eva:

“Eva: A-7063 is the story of Eva Mozes Kor. At age 10, Eva survived experiments by Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. At 50, she helped launch the biggest manhunt in history. Now 84, after decades of pain and anger, Eva travels the world to promote what her life journey has taught: Peace. Humanity. Forgiveness.”

For our project, we will be creating a map that will be featured on The Story of Eva website. This map will have place markers for local and national screenings of the Ted Green Films Documentary, Eva: A-7063. This is especially impactful for the website as “94% of PBS affiliates will be airing the documentary in April and will be directed to The Story of Eva website.”

Our Team:

Jaylah DeGout: Communications Chair

Cobi Sabo: Coding Lead

Matt Rudd: Team Lead

Tj Phelps: Quality Assurance/Testing Lead

Nick Stitely: Assistant Coder

Project Artifacts