FALL 2019

About the Organization
"WFYI Public Media empowers, educates, entertains, and connects our community through impactful journalism, inspiring stories and lifelong learning." -- WFYI
"Host Jon Krull is joined by filmmaker Ted Green, publisher Peggy Tierney, and Holocaust survivor Eva Kor to discuss the new WFYI and Ted Green documentary film, "Eva". Eva is a survivor of Auschwitz, and of inhuman experiments by notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. Eva Kor has emerged as a leading global figure in the fight to keep the lessons of the Holocaust alive, delivering a message at once controversial and immensely powerful: A message of forgiveness." -- Eva's Documentary
About the Project
This the semester our team will be working on carry-on Eva's legacy. One of the main tasks that we will be working on this semester is to develop a virtual flower garden that lives on WFYI's website. In the past WFYI has planted flowers in Eva's honor with thoughtful messages that showed how people felt after hearing Eva's story. Now, WFYI wishes to have that same aspect more accessible for people everywhere. Each flower in the garden will be attached to a message that people want to share about Eva and her story. The flower's will also have a social aspect to be shared with more people on different platforms and spread the word about Eva's life.
Our Team
Andrew Stinson
Dylan Bakr
Emily Efroymson
Maeve McCormack